Cost of Level 1 training

The cost of tuition for the level 1 engineers license program is structured on semester bases and includes tea breaks and lunch.

The cost of internship for the level 1 engineers license program shall take care of six (6) months airport insurance, uniform, protective clothing and shoes

NOTE: The total fees payable to Advance Institute of Aeronautical Technology……shall be made for that semester and the bank transfer slip retained as evidence of payment before the commencement of the training.

Cost of Level 2 training

The cost of tuition for the level 2 engineers license program is structured on modular bases and includes tea breaks and lunch.

The cost fee offered by a remote a remote site approved by the Competent Authority

NOTE: The total fees payable to Air Service Training Account number……shall be made the entire course and the bank transfer slip retained as evidence of payment before the commencement of the training.
